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Up to 60% Off BBL PhotoFacial at Revive Med Spa


Sciton BroadBand Light (BBL)™ is the world’s most powerful IPL device on the market. It sets new standards in treating skin conditions associated with aging, active life styles, and sun damage. The advanced technology provides consistent outcomes with consistent energy delivery and faster treatment times than other IPL devices. With our Glow Factor BBL photofacial, pulses of light are emitted and absorbed by the melanin (pigment) and red blood cells in the skin, generating heat. This heat emulates a superficial injury and activates the skin’s natural healing processes without actually harming delicate dermal tissue. As your skin attempts to repair itself, it will shed its dull, damaged outer layer and form supple, vibrant new skin. The light emitted during IPL therapy breaks down the dark pigment inside age spots and freckles, creating a more even skin coloration. Click here to learn more about how IPL treatments fight sun damage.

The fine Print:

New customers only. Appointment required. Must sign waiver. Only one Groupon offer for any service at any Revive location per customer lifetime. If you have already purchased a Groupon for Revive Med Spa for any service or location, you are not eligible for this offer. Limit 1 per person, may buy 1 additional as gift(s).

1425 Frazee Road, 92108
San Diego, CA
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